Ideas welcomed on Adur Rec site

Released: Thursday, 10 August 2023

Organisations in Adur are being encouraged to come forward with any leisure-based ideas for a patch of land in Adur Recreation Ground that would benefit the community.

The plan is to repurpose the area to the north of the rec for leisure-based activities and Adur District Council, who holds the land on Trust, wants to hear from community groups and organisations with an interest in supplying a sport or leisure-based activity.

It is hoped that any project will help local residents stay more active and healthy, as well as encouraging community involvement in the public space.

An expression of interest will now open for three weeks, starting on Monday, 14th August 2023 and running until midnight on Monday, 4th September 2023, and the Council is encouraging any groups or organisations to come forward if they have a deliverable idea for the land.

Cllr Emma Evans, Cabinet Member for the Environment and Leisure, said:

“We're really excited to transform Adur Recreation Ground and make use of some land that is currently not being used to its full potential.

“Adur Rec is already a much-loved and well used area for residents and we know the importance of having, and taking good care of, these places.

“We would now like to hear expressions of interest from organisations, community groups who want to take on the land and do something leisure-based with it.”

To register your expression of interest, see:

Photo: Adur Recreation Ground - photo of site

PR23-109 - Adur Recreation Ground - photo of site

Aerial photo: Adur Recreation Ground - area outlined in red (Get Mapping Crown Copyright and database right, 2023)

PR23-109 - Adur Recreation Ground - map - area outlined in red (Get Mapping Crown Copyright and database right, 2023)


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Page last updated: 17 June 2024

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